Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Tribute To Freindship

From the very begining of life, everyone feels a need for a companion. Initially we seek companions or friends for satisfying our innate urge of social acceptance. Having friend gives us a feeling that we are acceptable to the people around us and every human being needs his group of friends to learn, share and grow with. Slowly and gradually the need for love and affection also takes over the human mind and we start striving to make a place in our group of friends so as to gain their acceptance, love and affection.

FRIEND is the name given to that person who stands by us through our thick and thin and friendship is one of the most beautiful relationship that binds us with the people who were strangers sometime back. Friendship is involved in all the facets of our life and we may find a friend in anyone, maybe our batchmates, neighbours, parents, spouse, family member etc. It may acquire any form but its purpose remains the same i.e. to fill our life with joy, happiness and optimism.

Friends are like leaves of the tree that provide shadow to the passersby, they provide nutrition to the tree to grow and flourish and when they leave their branches during the autumn season they mix up in the soil to form composite which is again used by the tree . Friendship, on the other hand, is like the root of the tree which spreads itself underneath in all directions to give a strong foundation to the tree.

Friends may or may not have common interests but most of the time it’s the purpose that binds us together with the friend. Like our college/ school friends whom we met in the college/ school, they might have had different interests but we were there(school/ college) to share a common objective and that is to study . Then there are neighbourhood friends whom we meet while socialising around the neighbourhood and then there are friends of friends who also share the similar objectives with us. Once we recognize the friends around us the process of bonding begins .

The process of bonding is basically based on our compatibility with the other person i.e. the more compatible we are with the person the more close the relationship is and thus we classify some of them as friends, some as good friends and some as really close and dear friends. The informal relationship that we have with these really close and dear friends helps us to share our innermost feelings of joy, sorrow, success etc and thereby we can say it is an outlet for human emotions as almost everyone in one at some point of time needs someone to share his success or failures with and if we don’t it gets accumulated deep within and can make a person feel worse.

Friendship is one the most undervalued virtue by human beings. Whenever we find ourselves in some problem or feeling low about something, all we need is a few comforting words from a friend to cheer up our life again. It’s really wonderful to have a friend with whom we can share our innermost feelings of joy as well as sorrow.

After graduating from this beautiful campus which is just like a emerald isle, I can’t say that how many of friend’s name I may remember in future, but on one point, I am damn sure that in a tiny space of my mind, all of the memories of our wonderful friendship, full of sharing and snatching , smiling and chaffing, will get embodied permanently.

Thanks to all you friend for your timeless friendship, which are enough to bring a smirk or harangue of tears at any moment of my life. That’s all I have to say.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Nostalgia.

Journey Begins.

Before writing anything ,just say I am a shadow of my family, my father, my mother, my two elder brother and a sister, my grand mother and my grandfather, I have all the positive traits of all these eminent personality and if something that doesn’t match with them that only I have proscribed by myself. My journey begins with them and definitely ends with them, holdings their hands.

I am not new at writing the blog as my first dated back to 02-04-07 means at least one year of experience, But just trying to express my thoughts in more professional way, near to the reality.

My name, SHASHANK SHEKHAR, define me as cool and artistic refined,imaginative psychic & intuitive perceptiable, loving ,cheerful and soft-hearted sympathetic, but highly restless and dangerously moody who having an ambigious peculiar outlook .Again SHASHANK SHEKHAR is termed as most cruel emperor of ARYAN MYTHOLOGY so hyper sensitive and untolerable to contradiction which even contradict my better meaning of WONDERER of a PRE-DETERMINED path(I am working my best to prove mythological meaning wrong by adopting flexibility and sensebility).But the best part, My friendship is my ethereal quality and I am helpful in unassuming way.I am governed by twin planet NEPTUNE and PLUTO which is a decan of POWER.

Born on (27)-02-1986 ,at midnight 12’O clock with difference of only few minutes, bracket is because I never came to know the exact day, if I follow the great old ARYAN way, it would be 27 whereas according to Queen’s English tradition it may be 28, as I am more ARYAN and an INDIAN so mine DOB is 27-02-1986.

And place, a tranquil and cool one, a village of not more than 80 family(but every family have atleast 30 members), BABHANBIGHA, distance about 150Km from the great PATLIPUTRA, the place of Emperor ASHOKA.Spend 6 memorable years of childhood at the home of Grandfather NANAJI Sri SAWAL KISHORE PRASAD SINGH, who was although relatively energetic at that time and used to put me up on shoulder and take a whole round of village, I have not met with my Grandfather since last 2 years neither even call him.In village , have taken 1 year of primary education( I remember it was the year 1991, the assaniation year of former Indian Prime Minister Mr. Rajiv Gandhi ) , at the same old village school Mahatma Gandhi Uchha Vidyalaya, where all of my family member already studied for more years than me.

Moved to patna, in 1992 ,at home of DADI(we call her MAMA) Smt. SHANTI SINHA, wife of freedom fighter and a loyal railway employee Late. Sri DINESH PRASAD SINHA ,he served the country as Head Clerk, DRM Office,Danapur,till his last breath and got nothing from INDIAN RAILWAY on his last bed.My formal education kick started at patna.It was my Brothers and mother Smt. MEENA SINGH dream that last member of family have atleast English Education ( my two elder brother was already enrolled at government schools), Sorry I also got some education at GREEN MEADOWS PUBLIC SCHOOL,Rajendra Nagar, in 1990 for six months before my stinct at village school,you know I stood first in the annual race of school but have to satisfied with only 2nd position, and this is continuing, Returning back again got admission at nearby private school RAJENDRA PUBLIC SCHOOL,Rajendra Nagar in CLASS III,was afraid as usual to go school for the first time, but with my elderbrother KRISHNA SHEKHAR and sis BHAWANI SHEKHAR(now Mrs. Bhawani Singh),who also taken admission with me in class IV , went to school for the first day, without lunch because my brother promised me that he will return back at lunch time to pick me for home, but I got my lunch through my class teacher Mr. ASHOK SHARMA, let me to think what was in lunch,it was some fruit guavas,pieces of papaya and 3 or 4 melodies(the same chocolaty ) and the hardest Mortern , and returned back to home only at 3.30pm, , brothers were laughing on me because my shirt has changed its colour,it’s turn white to brown and was almost wet with my tears( their school closes off early, PATNA COLLEGIATE DISTRICT SCHOOL and SIR GANESH DUTT PATLI PUTRA HIGH SCHOOL ,will describe in brief soon after when I will get admission in secondary and higher secondary school).And my father Sri. DHIRENDRA PRASAD SINGH ready with a full box of NATRAJ Pencils and NATRAJ Elasto Eraser to give it to me and my sister equally, I requested him to bring before I went to school.And according to the same great ARYAN Tradition,mother was preparing the meal.

But that was the first day, some initial challenge I crossed with help of my eldest brother RAVI SHEKHAR , like writing the class notes , it was full 35 pages of VAISHALI NOTE COPY, he like to write anything( can be seen in his works) so awoke whole night to complete my note book.But after first day, surely say never looked back.It’s sport, study, extra-curricular activity, I was always in TOP BRACKET. Found some good friends Nizam,Dhruv, Ashok,Ankit,Praveen and some girls Supriya, Smita but three name that are much remembered Jitendra,Priyanka and Pushpa, because former two were my staunch opposer while later one was too obliged for me.

Completed my education upto class V at same school. My nature , the wonderful PICESIAN one was showing some moments there also. Learned the first lesson of life at that school, Time Tables, Classes, Homeworks,Punishment, Appreciations,DP Task,SV Task,ANNUAL GUIDELINES ( sorry I forget to write about my cousin sister Mrs. POOJA SINGH before who also contributed into my learning of most basic and fundamental step , how to WRITE the ALPHABETS).The journey begins, I am most thankful to my parents for such a beautiful start. Also to the my teachers and my friends. Above all my BROTHERS, didn’t know why it happens, for good or bad, but they always stood with me, in any condition , always having an explanation of my useless queries and a helpful hand to able myself to live up alone in any condition, one thing I am still learning and that feeling of aloneness, afraid me most..

Right now it’s 2:15 am ,date is 10-04-08,room no -11, hostel no -05,JIET ,Guna.Just hour before was scolded by friend on phone to whom I really feel sorry for my past act(who is going to pay the mobile bill?? Again a question whose solution only I have to find!!!),to study for the minor( I didn’t have any material and not in mood to go for the BOOKS) which scheduled from tomorrow, so have to stop writing here, try to get a nap (I can say so because somewhat reason becoming a nocturnal species),will try to woke up early to do some YOGA, requested and prescribed to do by a friend RAHUL SINGH,only among few ones apart from my family, who can stop my very own thought process with a valid reason because I give him that right , surely I have also some strong reason for that(he is a diabetic at age of 22 but he can challenge the will of god with his determination and so he gives me a feeling of presence of my brothers to whom I missed and if not get a tight slap, want to be like them) ,to cool my hyper mind, but as usual going to do what my mind saying, and it’s time for the most serious thought of the day at most serene and silent place.

Good night.

3:22am…think that today also going to miss my breakfast , straight 20 days(just one day exception) and someone have to make proxy for me in first class. now its their turn…I have worked up for more than 2 year in this department. may be on bed after half hour.

3:49am…finally going to sleep..but before that have to make some space on the bed which is covered by the things I didn’t know, papers, clothes, books, wires, some chocolate wrappers and also have to do a quick search for my pillow.

Sweet Dreams with a hope that new day will bring a new reason to smile.